• Organic Sourdough Starter

    Sourdough has great benefits for the gut. Our mature starter lives in Honolulu, Hawaii and is fed organic, unbleached flour & filtered water.

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  • Organic Herbal Tea Blends

    Our herbal tea blends are made with carefully chosen organic herbs to support mental health and gut health.

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  • Organic Individual Tea/Herbs

    More Coming Soon!

    Shop Herbs 
  • Tea Accessories

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Mind-Gut Connection

Achieve overall wellness by nurturing your mental health and gut health.


Mental Health

The gut-brain axis is a bi-directional communication pathway between the gut and the brain. It involves the constant exchange of signals, neurotransmitters, and hormones, which influence both physical and mental health. Our products are tailored to support this connection and help maintain a balanced and thriving mind-gut axis.


Digestive Health

There is a vast community of microorganisms residing within our digestive system. These tiny but mighty microbes play a critical role in digestion, nutrient absorption, and the synthesis of essential compounds for our body. However, their influence extends far beyond the realm of digestion. The gut microbiome has a profound impact on our emotions, mood, and mental health.