Fermented Garlic Honey

Health Benefits

Fermented garlic honey is an herbal remedy that will give your immune system and digestive health a boost. Both garlic and honey have strong medicinal benefits, so you'll want to have this powerful home remedy in your cabinet for cold and flu season.

  • Fermented garlic honey is rich in both prebiotics and probiotics. can help soothe an upset stomach, improve digestion and overall gastrointestinal health. Both garlic and honey contain natural prebiotics that work to balance your gut’s microbiome. Fermented together, those prebiotics also interact with the beneficial bacteria and wild yeasts found on garlic to form gut-friendly probiotics, too.

  • Honey has acidic antimicrobial and prebiotic properties that safely ferment the garlic, limiting the growth of harmful pathogens while also encouraging gut-healthy probiotics to form. 

  • Honey and garlic both have tons of antioxidants. It's great for naturally soothing a sore throat and suppressing a cough.


Serving size: 1 Tbs
Total Servings: 24

Prep time: 15 minutes
Ferment time: 30 days



Glass jar and lid

1 cup whole cloves of garlic

1.5 cup raw honey



  1. Peel and lightly smack the garlic cloves with the palm of your hand or the flat side of a knife. Not too hard where you smash it, just enough to lightly bruise it.
  2. Place the peeled garlic cloves into a wide-mouth glass jar. You can add enough garlic to fill the jar at least one-half to two-thirds full.
  3. Add enough honey to completely cover the garlic cloves. 
  4. Place the lid on the jar loosely. It’s important that fermentation gasses can escape from the jar. Store in a cool, dark place like a cabinet. Place a plate under the jar to collect overspill.
  5. Every day or so, tighten the lid on the jar and flip it upside down to coat the garlic cloves with honey. Loosen the lid again when you return it to the upright position. 
  6. Within a few days to a week, you should see small bubbles start to form on the surface of the honey. 
  7. The honey garlic will ferment for about 30 days, but you can eat it at any time. The flavor will continue to develop over time.


    How to use

    Take 1 Tbs of honey with or without a garlic clove to support your immune system, digestion, or for general health.

    When you feel a cold or flu coming on, you may take 1 Tbs up to 3 times daily.

    Use it in homemade dressings or marinades.



      • Honey fermented garlic is shelf-stable and lasts for many years stored in a cool dark location. As long as no mold occurs, it’s likely still good.
      • It’s important to use raw honey. It contains all of the bacteria and wild yeast that is necessary for fermentation.
      • Use local honey if you can. It will help kick seasonal allergies.
      • It’s a good idea to put a small plate underneath the jar, as it will likely bubble up and a little bit of honey could possibly drip out.
      • Honey garlic should not be given to babies under one year of age.
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